In my young adult years, I worked in a mall during the Christmas season. Besides all of the typical Christmas fare — trees, ornaments, and snowmen, there were mangers, angels, and stars — all the things we think of when we consider the true meaning of Christmas.

That’s where I met Desha, a co-worker. I immediately saw the irony of a Buddhist working in a Christmas store! She was a very sweet young woman, and I enjoyed working with her.

One day she and I were unloading a new box of merchandise, and one of the items was a creche with all the typical pieces of a manger scene. I decided to use this opportunity to see what she knew about Jesus.

As she put the baby Jesus in the middle, in the tiny trough, I asked if she knew who that was. She hesitated and said, “Joseph?” I enjoyed the opportunity to explain to her the various pieces of the scene and the true meaning of Christmas.

I have always hoped that in the midst of the season Desha remembers her encounter with Jesus in the manger.

“While they were there (Bethlehem), the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger . . .” (Luke 2:7)


During the Christmas season, we often see little decorative villages that depict a quaint, small-town scene of Christmastime. Recently, I was in a home that had one. It was a beautiful little town with snow covered houses decorated for Christmas. In the middle of the “town” was a large creche with Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus inside. It was huge compared to the tiny village!

It helped me see that the focus of the little village was Jesus and His birth. You couldn’t look at the village without seeing the manger scene.

I know that many of us strive to live with Christ at the center of our lives. So during this Christmas season, may we remember that, as Christians, Jesus is the biggest part of our lives!