Today I went to visit someone in a very large mobile home park. In Florida these parks are popular. They are sometimes bought as retirement homes or purchased by “snowbirds” who are only there in the fall/winter months.

It can be a challenge to locate a home in these parks, since each one seems to have its own system. Some streets have names, while others use numbers as streets. When trying to find someone’s house, I often wonder how the people who established it came up with the order of the numbers on the homes, as there sometimes seems to be no logic to it!

Today I found my patient’s house pretty easily, which made me happy. But after the visit, when I was headed home, I couldn’t get out of the mobile home park!

“It can’t be that difficult,” I told myself. I’m one of those people who doesn’t like to ask for directions. So even though I passed people on the street, I didn’t want to ask them the way out because I knew it was around the next corner!

Eventually, when I was on the verge of getting out my GPS, I saw a wonderful thing! It was a small exit sign with an arrow pointing to the way out! Now that I had seen that one, I realized that almost every corner had a little sign to direct me!

Of course the experience made me think of life, since sometimes I feel I’m going in circles, kind of “stuck.” I try to do things my way, forgetting the Creator of the Universe wants to help me. Going round and round and round, not getting anywhere, is no fun.

You may remember that the Bible addresses God’s desire to be with us as we meet frustrations, challenges, and more. He doesn’t expect or want us remain frustrated and stuck because we won’t seek his help.

In fact, this verse indicates how he feels:

“The Lord directs the steps of the Godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.” (Psalm 37:23-24)

I write a lot about trusting in God to lead us. I find that it’s a problem for most Christians at one time or another, since we tend to want to do things our own way.

Just remember that he delights in you and holds you by the hand.