A couple of years ago, during the early morning while my husband and I were still asleep, I heard the trumpet of the Lord! It was a majestic, royal trumpet blast, just like I had always imagined it would be. I got up and looked through the blinds, expecting and hoping to see Jesus coming through the clouds to get us!
There was nothing out there but darkness.
It was then that I realized my husband had changed his “text alert” to a royal trumpet sound. Uggghhhh.
I was so disappointed! I wanted it to be Jesus!
We’ve laughed about it since then, especially when I tell someone who hasn’t heard the story.
But even though that was a false alarm, I know that one day it will be real!
Have you heard the old song with these lyrics?
“When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time shall be no more, and the morning breaks eternal, bright, and fair;
When the saved of earth shall gather over on the other shore, and the roll is called up yonder I’ll be there!”
I love that song! It shows us the hope and promise we have in Jesus Christ.
So even though my hopes were dashed on that early morning when I thought I heard Jesus coming, I have realized he has given me more time to serve him here on earth.
Because when the roll is called up yonder I’ll be there!
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