Several years ago at Bible Study Fellowship, we studied about idols. A children’s program coincides with the adult study.
The week after we all studied idols, one of the women in my group told us about her four-year old granddaughter’s expression of idols following the lesson. After attending BSF, they had been home for a little while when she noticed her granddaughter walking around the house with a flashlight. When she asked the little girl what she was doing, she had said, “I’m looking for idols.”
Of course, we thought that was funny.
But we also thought she was on to something!
We see lots of examples of idols in the Old Testament. When the Israelites moved from place to place, they often took their man-made idols with them.
But did idols end in the Old Testament?
Unfortunately not.
To make God our main focus in life is often a challenge. But it’s not impossible. In fact, the verse in Luke 1:37 says, “Nothing will be impossible with God.”
I remember reading about Billy Graham’s wife, Ruth, and how she focused on God as a mother of five whose husband was often gone. She put her open Bible on the kitchen countertop, and then she frequently looked at it as she passed by.
Of course, we aren’t all home during the day. I’ve mentioned note cards in the past — verses written on index cards and posted where we will see it often. By our computer, in a prominent place in our car, etc.
What a great way to get our minds back on Him — and away from any idols –as we go through our day!
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