I’m sitting in Orlando by the biggest pool I’ve ever seen. The cool, blue water waves invitingly. I’m lounging in the shade, thinking about life and people-watching.

It’s an environment I’m not accustomed to — a sprawling resort with all the amenities you could want. When the young woman making regular “rounds” offering food and drinks asks if I need something, I’m tempted to say, “I can get it,” not wanting her to go to any trouble for me! Then I remember it’s her job and how she makes money.

As I enjoy the cool breeze and people-watching, I realize that in the midst of this place, there is a huge cross high up over the center of the pool! It wasn’t meant to be a cross, I’m sure. It’s part of a mast on a replica of a boat.

But it’s there! And it’s a cross! Whether people see or acknowledge it, it’s still there for all to see!

It’s just like in our everyday life — whether the world acknowledges him or not, he is here, in the midst of everything. Probably most of us reading this are believers who need to be reminded to “see” him in everyday happenings. But he is there for non-believers, too.

“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities — his eternal power and divine nature — have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” (Romans 1:20)

Look around. Where do you see him?