do you need direction?

I should know better than to trust my GPS. In my job as a social worker, I visit patients in their homes, which means I drive a lot. One day as I was looking for a house, in the midst of twists and turns onto various streets, my GPS stopped talking. She was confused! That was when I realized I can’t always trust my GPS.

So I was already on guard about trusting it, when my “cigarette lighter” stopped working (shouldn’t we change the name of that?). I use it every day to charge my phone as well as my GPS. Since I didn’t want to spend money to get the cigarette lighter fixed, I decided to revert back to the “old days.” A map. (wow — did we really use those only a few years ago?) So my map and I set out to conquer the city. Except it wasn’t working very well. The tiny print and my “older” eyes didn’t mesh. I was getting a headache. And worse — mad. By the time I got to the first patient’s house, I was the one needing a social worker!

When I got home, I informed my husband that we were going to have to get my cigarette lighter fixed. At the prospect of shelling out cash, creativity took hold of him. He called a friend to ask for advice. Well what do you know? His friend said there should be another cigarette lighter in the trunk area of my van. It was there! (How would someone even find it if they wanted to light up?) What a blessing! My wonderful GPS was back! The only problem was that the cord wouldn’t reach to the front of the van. The GPS was relegated to the trunk.

“No problem,” I told my husband. “My friend is back, and that’s all I care about.”

So the next morning I went to the back of my van, lifted up the door to the trunk, and typed in the address where I was headed. But after a few blocks, I realized I could only hear it if I turned the radio OFF and listened very carefully. Focus. I had to have it, or I would never get where I was going.

Enter the Holy Spirit. Actually, he had been there the whole time, but I’m known to get distracted and forget that. The situation with my GPS reminded me of listening to the Holy Spirit. Or not. Noise, clutter in my mind, and changing scenery can mute his voice. I need to seek him to be able to go where he wants me to. That involves turning off distractions around me, focusing, and really listening for his still, small voice. Unlike my GPS, God will always lead me where I need to go.

“Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!” (I Chronicles 16:11)


When our sons were young, we lived in Mississippi for several years. Through a mutual friend, Colin and Christopher were invited to visit the office of the Lieutenant Governor. Entering the Capitol building was an experience! The huge, wide halls and very tall ceilings made it feel stately and important. When we entered the area where her offices were, it was very busy, with people coming and going. After a few minutes, we were taken into her private office. She warmly welcomed us and invited us to sit with her and chat, as if she had nothing else to do.

It just so happened that the day before our visit, she had been very visible in the news because she had switched political parties. She had even received a telephone call from the President of the United States! She talked to us about the call, and then she talked with the boys about their interests. After visiting for a few minutes, she led us to the Senate Chamber where she took the boys up the stairs to the podium. She explained this was where she presided when congress was in session and even let them tap the giant gavel! Several times she told the boys, “You have made my day by coming to see me!”

We may not think about this often, but God feels the same way about us! He invites us to visit with Him, and when we do, He welcomes us warmly, with open arms, as if He has nothing to do except be with us. He is the creator of the universe, and He wants to spend time with you! We miss so many opportunities to meet with Him. Won’t you go to a quiet place and enjoy His presence?

He is waiting for you.

“Come near to God, and He will come near to you.” James 4:8

it’s dark out there

Deep in the woods of Louisiana, far from the city lights, it gets very dark at night. When I was in college, I sometimes went home with my roommate to her parents’ country home. When we went to bed at night, the room was pitch black.

One weekend, when morning arrived and it was still completely dark outside, we were awakened by a blaring alarm clock. My roommate couldn’t reach it immediately because she had put the clock across the room with objects in the path between her bed and the clock. Her strategy was that as she ran into the chairs and other items she had strategically placed, she woke up because she couldn’t put the alarm on “snooze!” This particular morning, though, after a few minutes of stumbling around the room, she said with exasperation, “I don’t know where I am!”

Lately, it seems most of us have been feeling this way, as our lives have been upended due to the pandemic. There are obstacles in our paths back to our “normal” life, and we may feel like we are stumbling blindly in the dark. But we are not alone! Even if you feel your life hangs in the balance during this pandemic, God knows the future! Based on His promises, He will be with us, even in these very difficult times.

Deuteronomy 31:6 says, “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread, for the Lord your God goes with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you.”

He promised.


What in the world is going on?

In the midst of this Covid19 that came out of nowhere, I know some of what’s going on. Behind the scenes, there is work happening. Support. Comfort. Hope. My faith is blooming.

It’s blooming because I know who is really in charge and has the solution to our pandemic, both seen and unseen. It seems complicated to us, but to Him, it’s not, because He has the answers. And that’s all I need to know for now.

It can be hard to trust. We are “sight” people, and to believe the unseen is difficult. But Jesus says, “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

So my faith is blooming as I trust in the One who knows all and gives me rest.