The last year and a half have introduced new experiences to us, and one of the most noticeable ones is wearing masks. All colors and patterns have been available as we have expressed ourselves through this new accessory.

As positive cases of the virus are subsiding, some of us are “unmasking” ourselves. What an interesting experience it has been to see what the new people I’ve met during the pandemic look like! I feel like I’m getting to know them all over again!

This reminds me of the concept of “masking” that was around long before the pandemic. We have all heard of “masking” one’s emotions. But this idea goes further. We can sometimes “mask” ourselves, meaning we hide who we really are.

What about you? Are there situations where you hide your true self?

I know this — God created us all individually, and he wants us to be the unique person he created us to be! He gave each of us gifts, talents, and our personality to go through life expressing his love. There are many challenges in this life, but he is there to help us through them.

“So in this period of “unmasking,” from the months of outward mask-wearing, think about your inner self. Who are you, really? Are you hiding your true self or some aspect of it? God, who created you, will help you find your self.

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