I do not ride roller coasters.

In my teen years I rode them a few times, but I was never really a fan. Maybe it’s because I like to have my feet planted on the ground and control of my direction.

On a particularly sunny, pleasant day, a friend and I went to Disney. As we meandered around Animal Kingdom, we came upon “Expedition Everest,” a ride that goes into a mountain and comes out on the other side. I could see the riders on it, and it looked harmless — even like they enjoyed it.

Here’s the problem: there was no line. Fans of Disney and other theme parks will think that’s not a problem — it’s a great stroke of luck! I didn’t have time to think about my decision to be open-minded, as we literally strolled straight onto the “train” of this roller coaster. It was pleasant and fun as we slowly went up a hill, into the pitch black mountain. Suddenly, we were FALLING STRAIGHT BACK DOWN IN THE DARK! All I could think of was, “God, please help me survive this.” It seemed never-ending, as we fell into an abyss.

As we exited the train, I said, “Never again. Never again. You will never get me on one of those things again.” Of course my friend was laughing, partly because she enjoyed it so much, but mostly because I was traumatized. (What are friends for again?)

This short story is not about the ups and downs of life, although that would make sense, being about a roller coaster ride. It’s about the downs. The spiraling backwards in the dark when you don’t know if your situation will ever end. When we have dark experiences, we should remember that God is right there with us. He is our hope in the downs of life. (“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1-3)

Whether you are in a spiraling out-of-control job, relationship, diagnosis, or financial situation, He cares. He is with you if you ask him to be.

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you.” (Isaiah 41:10)

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