I could smell it before I even got to the apartment. When I opened the door, the stench was overwhelming. Thank goodness I had on a mask. And gloves. The building had a water view, which was ironic, considering tourists pay a lot of money to see that view.

Inside I found an old man, dejected and ill. The garbage on the floor was knee deep. There were several kinds of insects either flying around me or crawling on the floor and garbage.

We had a nice conversation. He was depressed, obviously. His neighbor had cleaned up the apartment some the week before, but I couldn’t tell. I referred him to agencies that could help him, but there was a waiting list. There’s always a waiting list.

During my second visit, as I sat in a plastic chair talking to him, I suddenly felt a prompting. I stood up, asked where the trash bags were, and started cleaning up the garbage. Days old food, bugs, and trash went into big, black garbage bags. He watched. Then he said, “Why are you doing this?” I replied, “I want to help you.” He kept asking, “But why are you helping me?” “Because I care about you.” He was amazed.

As sad as it was, and as nasty as it was to clean up, I felt the Holy Spirit’s presence. It was love in action. I can’t take the credit because He told me to do it. I simply acted. Sometimes we talk, and other times we show His love.

How many of my “messes” has God cleaned up? He repeatedly forgives me through His grace and love. Showing His love to others isn’t always easy, as we all know, but we are to do it anyway.

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” (I John 3:18)

1 thought on “WHAT ABOUT LOVE?

  1. You have such a wonderful, deep faith and so much love in your heart. There’s not too many people that would take on a task like that. You are so in tune with the Holy Spirit, it amazing. I am sure this elderly gentleman fell in love with you for being who you are in your heart and showing such a large amount of love!!